Region V BOCES

Region V B.O.C.E.S. is an established network of accredited K-12 Schools providing services for students ages five to twenty one who require diversified learning and highly focused programming. Our staff specializes in assisting students whose social, behavioral, emotional, or educational needs cannot be met in traditional school settings. Daily lesson plans are tailored to achieve Common Core Curriculum, Life Skills, Social Skills, and Vocational Skills Training.
Each of our schools provides programming designed to pre­serve and enhance the poten­tial for dis­abled indi­vid­u­als. These efforts are aimed at help­ing stu­dents real­ize their max­i­mum men­tal, social, emo­tional, phys­i­cal and cog­ni­tive devel­op­ment, and to assist oth­ers in under­stand­ing the needs of the dis­abled and their pro­grams.