
Looking for work in Jackson now, or in the spring? Please consider helping public transit expand in Teton County as a driver with START On Demand. NO CDL needed for passenger vans and electric vehicles. Part time/Full time available, hiring immediately. Preference for Thu-Sun shifts. $24/Hr + Subsidized Aetna health benefits for full time drivers with separate dental and other options available.

Downtowner is a fair minded small but well established startup transportation and technology contractor with local management helping START Bus provide "microtransit." We are giving free on demand rides in downtown Jackson and nearby neighborhoods along with a separate feeder branch for South Park/Rafter J/S US-89. Come work the app on company iPhones, drive our newer model vehicles giving free rides to locals and visitors alike in Jackson. This is a public service being provided so some guest service experience is very helpful. Winter driving conditions may apply. Housing not subsidized but some local hotel rooms are reserved available for driver rental during the winter operating season. Constantly working on more creative solutions for incentives and housing!

Please go to to apply and we’ll get in touch ASAP!